Files are listed by country code, then year, then month, then revision letter and language
XX is the 2 letter country code (check reference here)
YYYY is the 4 digits year eg. 2016
MM is the 2 digits month eg. 06 for June
abc is the revision letter within that month
LAN is the language of the chart if more than one is spoken in your country
DK-Glaucomedics-2021-02-c.pdf Chart for Denmark, revision c from February 2021
CH-Glaucomedics-2021-03-b-DEU.pdf Chart for Switzerland in German, revision b from March 2021
CH-Glaucomedics-2021.03-b-FRA.pdf Chart for Switzerland in French, revision b from March 2021
If no chart is available for your country, or the file is outdated, please inform the national glaucoma society of your country to encourage someone to translate or update the chart. Already translated charts should have the relevant contact information for the translator. 1-2 updates per year is recommended.